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We supply top quality hops to those who want to brew THE beer. You want to make a special brew for a competition or to stand out? We are here!

We have 9 main hops, as well as 15 cultivars in smaller quantities which can be designated for a randall, wet hopping or a wild beer.


Most of our suppliers are local companies, which means that your purchases have direct benefits here. We prioritize customers and suppliers located within a radius of 100 kilometers.

In addition, with our office in Montreal, it is easy to meet to discuss your needs.


Since 2014, all of our hops are certified organic by OCQV. You plan to export? Our certification is currently valid for Canada, the United States and countries of the European Union.


USDA organic

Biologique Canada


Biologique Union européenne





Are you looking for a particular hop? Let us know! We are gradually increasing our production volume by developing products with you.


Enseigne de microbrasserie au champ

We are proud to promote local brewers! By taking the entire production of a variety, we install your logo in front of the row(s) so that our visitors can easily spot you to taste the finished product. In addition, it is possible for you to come see your hops during the season.

We also maintain a list of products available in the  Tasting section on our website.